For over twenty years PR Aqua has been providing innovative water treatment solutions to the aquaculture, public aquarium and wastewater treatment industries. We offer a comprehensive array of equipment and services to meet a wide range of solids filtration and disinfection challenges commonly faced in aquatic life support systems. Both our Rotofilter™ microscreen drum filters and our belt filters are ideally suited for the removal of solid wastes in both life support and influent and effluent treatment systems. PR Aqua is also a distributor of Trojan/Aquafine UV disinfection systems. UV disinfection is a proven, safe and effective method for the elimination of specific pathogens, made even more effective when a Rotofilter is installed as the primary prefiltration device. In addition to distributing a wide variety of products, we have a dedicated team of process engineers capable of assisting in design and documentation of process solutions. We also offer preventive maintenance and service on all the equipment we sell. Call us today to find out more about our products and services.
PR Aqua
1631 Harold Road
Nanaimo, British Columbia
V9X 1T4
Toll Free: 1-866-714-0141
Phone: 1-250-714-0141
Fax: 1-250-714-0171
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